Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 6

Baby is growing so fast! He now looks like this:

This week, the eyes and nose are starting to form and Baby even has little arm and leg buds. His heart beats 100-160 times a minute. Baby is the size of a pea, or about 1/4 inch long. I can't wait until the 1st ultrasound so we can see and maybe even hear the heartbeat! 

I wasn't having morning sickness at all which was making me worried but right when I hit 6 weeks it honored me with it's presence. I am nauseous all day long and tired, which makes me so moody and I cry over the stupidest things. One of my friends got me a picture frame that said "Family" and I cried...and then there are the cravings...nothing sounds good but orange juice and chocolate vanilla pudding cups, oh and baked potatoes now that I think about it. That sounds really good right now. The other night I HAD to have white rice with butter on it.  I can hardly get down crackers in the morning before I get out of bed because they make me want to throw up, yet the reason I eat them is so I don't. Figure that one out. Also, SOMEONE ( I won't say who) keeps drinking my orange juice. Meany. But he has been ultra sensitive to my mood swings and gets me whatever I want and has been really lovey to me and Baby, so I guess he can share our orange juice. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

Week 5

First off, I don't know who came up with how to count the weeks for pregnancy, but it's stupid. (Shane, please Wikipedia this for me) I guess I'm on week 5, but technically Baby has only been growing for about 3 weeks. Anyway, Baby is now the size of a grain of rice and looks like this:

The circulatory system and the neural tube(spine) is developing and the heart will start beating this week!

While Baby is just lounging around in fluid all day I get to look forward to: fatigue, nausea, cramping, breast tenderness, headache, frequent urination, backache and emotional upheaval (according to the books). No nausea yet, which is good and no backache, but I do wish I could take at least 4 naps a day and I have an endless supply of pee inside me it seems. I also have constant mild cramps and yeah, I'm not in a great mood (ask Shane). Aside from that, it is pretty unreal to think that Baby is growing inside of me right now, this very second he's in there! What is he doing?! Well, he's making a heart, what have you done today?


I decided to start this blog about being pregnant because:

1. I'm bored, and I heard on the radio that people who are bored have a shorter lifespan. I'm trying to live as long as I can so hopefully this adds a few years to my life.

2. I'm always on Facebook at work, refreshing the page every 2.4 seconds hoping that something interesting will happen, but as we all know the only thing ever posted is from Suzie Q saying "omg! i luv my bf soooo much!!!!" or "ugh. I have another UTI, anyone have a good doctor???"(true story). So I figured, why not be productive at work for once and tell people what's going on in my belly.

I'd like to add that I've read other blogs and always immediately judge them. They are either really good or really boring. I have a feeling mine will be in the boring category unless you know me, then you might be slightly interested. (I just got rudely interrupted while writing this by my boss wanting me to actually get something for him for a client...that is so annoying, doesn't he know I'm busy!)

Anyway, here we go!

P.S. I'm posting twice today because today is the beginning of Week 5 and because it's my blog, I can do what I want!