This week, the eyes and nose are starting to form and Baby even has little arm and leg buds. His heart beats 100-160 times a minute. Baby is the size of a pea, or about 1/4 inch long. I can't wait until the 1st ultrasound so we can see and maybe even hear the heartbeat!
I wasn't having morning sickness at all which was making me worried but right when I hit 6 weeks it honored me with it's presence. I am nauseous all day long and tired, which makes me so moody and I cry over the stupidest things. One of my friends got me a picture frame that said "Family" and I cried...and then there are the cravings...nothing sounds good but orange juice and chocolate vanilla pudding cups, oh and baked potatoes now that I think about it. That sounds really good right now. The other night I HAD to have white rice with butter on it. I can hardly get down crackers in the morning before I get out of bed because they make me want to throw up, yet the reason I eat them is so I don't. Figure that one out. Also, SOMEONE ( I won't say who) keeps drinking my orange juice. Meany. But he has been ultra sensitive to my mood swings and gets me whatever I want and has been really lovey to me and Baby, so I guess he can share our orange juice.